Mission & Vision
Our mission is to support Superior North athletes and coaches in their pursuit of excellence in volleyball. Our staff will provide high level technical skills training and tactical instruction in a positive learning environment that fosters personal growth, knowledge and skill development, good sportsmanship and a passion for the game of volleyball.
Superior North Volleyball Club endeavors to be a leader in delivering excellence in youth sport programming in Thunder Bay and throughout Region 1. Through the continual application and exploration of initiatives and policies governing youth sport, we will strive to remain on the leading edge of change. We are dedicated to constant improvement as an organization in our volleyball community.
RESPECT: by showing respect towards all teammates and Club athletes, Club coaches and staff, as well as, opposing athletes, coaches, officials, spectators, facilities and its staff.
ACCOUNTABLE: by acting in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner with Club funds, governance and operations promoting practices that contribute to safe sporting environments.
EXCELLENCE: by designing and delivering the best possible programs and services for all Club members and strive to achieve the highest standards.
INTEGRITY: by acting in a fair, consistent, and transparent manner and by exhibiting the same standard of behavior when out in public, as we do on the court. Realize that when off the court you are a representative of Superior North Volleyball Club.
INTENTIONAL: by developing programs that meet the needs and skill level of our athletes and are based on clear strategic objectives. We strive to achieve high quality, meaningful programming that will foster our athletes love of volleyball in a safe, respectful environment.
DEDICATION: by committing to our members and teams the above vision, mission and values and expecting all members to make the same commitment to our Club, its athletes and our teams.